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List of Publications
  1. Nonlinear stability measures of synchronised states in a power-grid model, Eaves, T. S.J. Nonlinear Sci. 35(46) (2025) pdf.

  2. One-dimensional compression of a saturated elasto-visco-plastic medium, Paterson, D. T., Eaves, T. S., Hewitt, D. R., Balmforth, N. J. and Martinez, D. M., Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 054303 (2022) pdf.

  3. Optimizing the control of transition to turbulence using a Bayesian method, Pershin, A., Beaume, C., Eaves, T. S. and Tobias, S. M., J. Fluid Mech. 941, A25 (2022) pdf.

  4. On two-phase modelling of dewatering of pulp suspensions, Paterson, D. T., Eaves, T. S., Hewitt, D. R., Balmforth, N. J. and Martinez, D. M., AIChE J. 67, e17277 (2021) pdf.

  5. Dewatering saturated, networked suspensions with a screw press, Eaves, T. S., Paterson, D. T., Hewitt, D. R., Balmforth, N. J. and Martinez, D. M., J. Eng Math. 120, 1-28 (2020) pdf.

  6. Stably stratified exact coherent structures in shear flow: the effect of Prandtl numberLangham, J., Eaves, T. S. and Kerswell, R. R., J. Fluid Mech. 882, A10 (2020) pdf.

  7. Flow-driven compaction of a fibrous porous medium, Paterson, D., Eaves, T. S., Hewitt, D. R., Balmforth, N. J. and Martinez, D. M., Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 074306 (2019) pdf.

  8. Instability of sheared density interfaces, Eaves, T. S. and Balmforth, N. J., J. Fluid Mech. 860, 145--171 (2019) pdf.

  9. Instabilities in a staircase stratified shear flow, Ponetti, G., Balmforth, N. J. and Eaves, T. S., Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 112,1--19 (2018) pdf.

  10. Multiple instability of layered stratified plane Couette flow, Eaves, T. S. and Caulfield, C. P., J. Fluid Mech. 813, 205--278 (2017) pdf.

  11. Noisy homoclinic pulse dynamics, Eaves, T. S. and Balmforth, N. J., Chaos 26, 043104 (2016) pdf.

  12. Disruption of SSP/VWI states by a stable stratification, Eaves, T. S. and Caulfield, C. P., J. Fluid Mech. 784, 548--564 (2015) pdf.

  13. Liquid ropes: A geometrical model for thin viscous jet instabilities, Brun, P.--T., Audoly, B., Ribe, N. M., Eaves, T. S. and Lister, J. R., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 174501 (2015) pdf.

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